Some Jargon

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Some Jargon

The relationship between culture, EVP and Employer Brand is…..

    • Organisational Culture: the way people work and behave in an organization
    • Employee Value Proposition (EVP): what employees value most about working in an organization
    • Employer Brand: how an organization brands and markets itself as an employer to attract and retain best-fit talent

Source: Susan LaMotte,

A Mindful Culture

  • A mindful organisation is centred about people, it is created and maintained by them, and it is for their benefit, better serving their needs, impacting their lives and defining their values, motivations and behaviours.
  • Organisational mindfulness comes when these people collectively pay attention to what is actually occurring in the present moment.  This ‘paying attention’ allows a greater awareness of relationships, both inside and outside the organisation.
  • As people’s awareness increases, they create additional time and space to look at each new situation, and from that choose how best they want to respond (rather than automatically reacting) to that situation. 

  • A mindful organisation needs some ethical intention to underlie its existence.  Specifically, an organisation must embody a sense of care for everyone connected to the organisation.

  • Certain mindful practices need to be integrated into the daily life of the organisation for the heightened sense of awareness to be built and sustained. These practices must be regular, collective and intentional.

Awareness : Impact on Employee Value Proposition

In a 2012 survey, 10,821 executives (37% of whom were female) were asked ‘What gives value to your employees?‘.  Over 50 items were mentioned.  Here are the top 12.

Personal awareness, the awareness senior managers bring to others, and leadership’s ability to respond in a certain way directly impacts many of these value drivers.

This awareness is what MWorks builds.

Research on Mindfulness in the Workplace

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